Water rollers for the local community

To help alleviate the water shortages experienced in some rural households, the Old Mutual Insure's Community Trust has recognised a need to assist elderly/child headed households with water rollers.

LIMPOPO – The official handover was held in Lebowakgomo in Matome Village on Thursday, 18 October.

Khanyisile Khanyile of Old Mutual Insurer’s Community Trust assisting the elderly as they enter the event venue.

Old Mutual Insure’s Community Trust has recognised a need to assist the elderly and child-headed households with water rollers.

A water roller is similar to a portable Jojo tank that can be used to fetch water and, because its capacity spans up to 90 litres, it is big enough to store a lot of water.

Old Mutual Insure Community Trust Members with the Matome Traditional Dancers

The portable tanks are great because instead of having to carry it on top of their heads, they only need to roll it like they’re pushing a shopping cart.

A total of 200 rollers were handed out to various homes. Israel Raphalalani from the Department of Water was the guest speaker and stressed the importance of water.

A resident walks away with his water roller.


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