
Boston City Campus & Business College invests in SA’s future

Written by Dr Rob Stegmann, Senior Academic in the Department of Academic Planning and Development at Boston City Campus & Business College Grit, defined as a combination of passion and perseverance for a singularly important goal, is the hallmark of high achievers. This according to psychologist Angela Duckworth who has done in depth studies on …

Written by Dr Rob Stegmann, Senior Academic in the Department of Academic Planning and Development at Boston City Campus & Business College

Grit, defined as a combination of passion and perseverance for a singularly important goal, is the hallmark of high achievers. This according to psychologist Angela Duckworth who has done in depth studies on what makes people successful.
At Boston, we have witnessed that students who have that grit, push through and graduate. There are, however, those students that have all the ingredients for success but are precluded from achieving a higher education qualification due to lack of financial support.
Education is too important in the growth and development of individuals and South Africa to be hindered by financial restraints. We believe that gritty prospective students that are committed to making a go at life, by applying to Boston, deserve to be given an opportunity to succeed.
So, in the spirit of Ubuntu a person is a person through other people Boston is committing to partnering financially with prospective students to facilitate growth and development both personally and for South Africa as a country. This investment will mean that prospective students enrolling in one of the many Higher Certificates on offer at Boston will get a chance to pursue their dreams and take ownership of their futures. Boston will invest up to a third of the fees for a Higher Certificate and students will be required to contribute the remaining fees (with flexible payment options).
South Africa’s future is too important not to make this investment. The rewards for students and society are incalculable. Research has shown that overcoming the obstacles lack of finances pose for students pursuing higher education makes a significant impact on the psycho-social well-being of students and has a positive effect on the successful completion of one’s studies. In turn, the impact on the broader society is also noticeable. Graduates who find employment not only make a contribution to the economy, they become billboards for the transformative power of education.
Grit is important to get you started, but grit alone can’t get you over the finish line. At Boston, we believe that our investment in students with an NSC (Higher Certificate endorsement) applying for any of our Higher Certificates have the grit but just need some added financial assistance to reach their dreams and make an impact on South Africa.


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