Mokopane: ‘Businesses are closing due, houses are standing empty due to lack of municipal services’

President of the Mokopane Business Chamber, Andy Goetsch wrote a letter on behalf of the Business Chamber to voice their concerns to the Acting Municipal Manager, Kenny Maleluka

MOKOPANE – Although he believes that Mokopane has a great future, the business sector is standing still, despite the fact that the town has the richest platinum mine in the world and a second platinum mine in progress, which will be equal to Anglo Platinum Mine. This affects the whole community, business people, workers, the public and unemployed, says President of the Mokopane Business Chamber, Andy Goetsch.

Goetsch wrote a letter on behalf of the Business Chamber to voice their concerns to the Acting Municipal Manager, Kenny Maleluka. He says: “The town should be a hub of success very similar to Polokwane but we find that many businesses are closing down, many houses are standing empty and many people have lost their jobs. This is due to many problems, but one of the main problems is the lack of decent services from our Mogalakwena Municipality.

“As can be seen the residents and businesses of Mokopane do not have a proper functional municipality looking after their town and the business sector is very willing to assist where they possibly can. You must not forget that all the money flowing into the municipality belongs to the residents and is not there to be badly managed and looted. There are many allegations of tender fraud at the Mogalakwena Municipality. We as the Chamber of Business request that our auditors be allowed to see certain invoices and do lifestyle audits on certain Municipal Management members. If there is no fraud you will be willing to approve our request but if you decline what will the rest of the public of Mogalakwena think?”

Goetsch says that the Mokopane Business Chamber has been highlighting many issues which affect the whole community. “A lot of these problems have been brought to the attention of the municipality for more than 10 years. We struggle to obtain a meeting date with the management of the municipality and when we do have one, it is either cancelled or management excuses themselves and an official who is unable to make decisions, is present. We are constantly being told that there is no money, but the fact is that if you look at the budget there is no shortage of money, but a lack of proper management of funds and we, as taxpayers, demand that management must be improved. There must be no tender fraud, corruption and money wasted.

“When we do finally manage to discuss issues with management we find that those management positions have been changed and we have to start all over again. We now want to put our problems in writing so that if meetings are cancelled the public and the press will know that these problems have been given through to you for attention.”

Goetsch concluded his letter with: “Your immediate response would be highly appreciated, as you owe us all an explanation why we should tolerate this treatment.”

Bosveld received no comment from the municipality before going to print.

More problems were brought to the municipality’s attention  – read the full story in this week’s Bosveld Review

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