Great results at interhouse gala

Four individual and two relay records were improved during Stanford Lake College’s (SLC) recent interhouse gala held in the school’s high performance centre. According to Rona McGaffn, marketer at the school, the event was marked by pleasant weather and competitive swimming that was enjoyed by participants and supporters alike. The overall winner was Orvis who …

Four individual and two relay records were improved during Stanford Lake College’s (SLC) recent interhouse gala held in the school’s high performance centre. According to Rona McGaffn, marketer at the school, the event was marked by pleasant weather and competitive swimming that was enjoyed by participants and supporters alike. The overall winner was Orvis who took home both the Patrick Wilken Trophy for the winning House and the Glenys Tweedy Trophy for the House with the most spirit.
A noteworthy performance came from Anika Schmidt whose time of 35:46 in the 50 m backstroke for girls u.16 is a new record. Anika was presented with the De Vos Trophy (Girls’ Individual Medley), Scott Trophy (SLC challenge: girls) and Estie Fenske Trophy (u.16 age group winner – girls). In the same way Ryan Schultz’s 29:94 in the 50m butterfly for boys u.19 was not only a new record but he also received the Willson Trophy for Boys’ Individual Medley, Van Niewenhuizen Trophy (SLC challenge: boys) as well as Schofield Trophy for Senior Victor Ludorum.
Records were also set by Sarena Wolff, u.19 who attained a time of 31:11 in the freestyle for girls and Wernich Schmidt, u.14, who attained a time of 34:49 in the 50m backstroke for boys. In the u.16 freestyle relay Loomis set a time of 1:03:81 while Orvis won the u.14 freestyle relay in 57:86. Sarena won the Burelli Trophy for the Senior Victrix Ludorum. Wernich shared the Zamaparini Trophy for Junior Victor Ludorum with Devon Coad.
Other trophy winner are Fenwick – Baragwanath Relay Trophy for the House that wins the most relays, Isabella Drewett, (u.14) – Reed Trophy for Junior Victrix Ludorum, Luca Wasley – Le Roux Trophy for u.16 age group winner.


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