The ins and outs of female initiation

Dr. Sylvester Mkwambani Hlati, a traditional health practitioner with 35 years of experience spoke to Review about a woman's right of passage in modern day South Africa.

POLOKWANE – Firstly, he explained that culture and traditions are similar all across the board. Explaining that even in his research in West and central Africa, he found that things are done in a similar way, it is just the rituals that are done and celebration aspect that differs. “For example, for the different cultures, the amount of time that is spent at initiation school is the same, it is just the rituals that are done there that might differ, ” he explained.

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Speaking about the initiation of women, he explained that women go to initiation school to mark their transition into womanhood. This is marked by their first menstrual period. They are taken to the bush away from influences and taught the law and how to behave as a woman. This place that they are taken to is protected by muti and women who are on their periods or have had recently had sexual intercourse cannot enter.

Men are also not allowed to be anywhere near this place, not even the girl’s father. “There is nothing sinister about what happens at initiation school, it is all done for the good of the young women. Although there are secrets about initiation school that cannot be spoken about, the entire basis of initiation school is to equip young women with the necessary tools to deal with challenges that they might come across as women, ” he said.

There are rituals that are performed and when all is done, the community comes together to announce that the girl is now a woman and the celebration begins.

He explained that is also used as a time for potential suitors to become aware of the girl’s transition into womanhood.

“It should be mentioned that by a girl becoming a woman and suitors being made aware, we are not promoting promiscuity, we are promoting marriage, which is the way it used to be done in the olden days, the correct procedure needs to be followed,” he added

Dr Hlati explained that a major problem with society today is the fact that people are moving away from age old traditions hence losing their history. “This causes people to be weak mentally and physically, they are missing the point. Even if you are a grown woman with two children, as long as you haven’t gone to initiation school, you cannot sit in a council of women who have gone through initiation. ” he said.

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