Women, girls in science boosted

The University of Limpopo Science Centre, in collaboration with the National Research Foundation (NRF) and South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA), recently held a women and girls in science seminar.

LIMPOPO – The seminar was aimed at bringing together young girls considering science to directly interact with women who are already successful scientists, to share their journey in the field.

This was to help promote and encourage girls to go into the field of science.

Noxy Letsoalo, Fab Lab Manager at the University of Limpopo Science Centre, explained that due to the lack of women in science in the country, they saw this seminar as a great platform to inform young girls of opportunities and careers in the field of science.

During the seminar they gave them an idea of how different fields in science work and the different careers they can choose.

Moekwa Phenyo, from St Bedes High School, explained she was inspired to study science after the seminar as she realised she can be one of the needed scientists in the country or worldwide. “Being here today taught me many things I did not know science was a part of, especially in agriculture. I feel it is important for the province to have more seminars like this as they help educate us and motivate us to go into the science fields. I enjoyed myself,” she explained.

The seminar was concluded with a tour of the University of Limpopo Science Centre, where learners got an opportunity to see and learn how other fields of science work.

Letsoalo said it is great to inspire women to reach their full potential and breach the gender gap.

“Women empowerment is needed in our country and I am happy I am doing it in a field that I love,” she said.


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