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Health workers and unions demand answers

The National Union of Public Service and Allied Workers (Nupsaw) and the South African Federation of Trade Unions (Saftu) joined in a march to the Department of Health on Friday, 31 August to demand answers on promises made by the department.

POLOKWANE – More than 100 Community Health Workers (CHW) joined the march, as they feel they have been neglected and forgotten by the department despite the department making promises relating to salaries and permanent appointments. The workers also demanded they be paid an agreed amount of R3 500 which was determined by the department.

Read more: [WATCH] Community Healthcare Workers march to Department of Health

“I have been working as a CHW for over 12 years and I am still called a volunteer by the department. We do the things the department neglects and we fill the gaps they leave and still after 12 years, we are only classed as volunteers. We demand change and the money they promised to pay us,” a CHW, Julia Mathlou, told BONUS during the march.

Earlier this year a resolution was made, called 1 of 2018 clause 1.4, that reads: “The National Department of Health has set aside money for conditional grants to provide for the implementation of standardisation of CHW’s remuneration as an interim measure”. With this in mind, Nupsaw is demanding to know what the Limpopo Department of Health has done with the money specifically allocated for CHWs. This served as the grounds for the workers marching to the department, demanding in a memorandum that the department look into these grievances.

Nupsaw Limpopo Deputy Provincial Secretary, Ntata Sekgota, told BONUS the workers are angry because they are not recognised for their work done and not getting the money they have been promised. “We have warned the department this is just glimps of what we will do and if they do not get their things in order, we will take on mass action,” he warned.

The demands include:

• Immediate implementation of resolution 1 of 2018, the absorption of all CHWs and the backpay from earlier this year of R3 500 for the workers.

• The department provide the union with a CHW database.

• The provision of uniforms and protective clothing for all employees.

• The provision of the tools needed for CHWs for their trade.

• Accredited training for all CHWs.

• The collection and submission of reports to be the responsibility of the facility managers.

• The department to caution the district office to stop going around the facilities and telling employees that those with no matric must go home.

Community Health Workers (CHW) demand the absorption of ‘volunteers’ by the Department of Health.

Machike Thobejane of the Department of Health signed acceptance of the memorandum and agreed the department will look into the issues raised and reply to the union in the coming week.


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