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Limpopo muni finances investigated

Forensic auditors arrived at the Modimolle-Mookgophong Municipality on Tuesday, 7 August to investigate payments made to the municipality.

LIMPOPO – The Mayor, Marlene van Staden, welcomed the investigation.

“The auditors’ investigation will focus on payments made to the municipality’s creditors and the mismanagement of conditional grant monies meant for infrastructure, water and electrification projects.

“The auditors will be imbursed by the Provincial or National Department of Treasury.”

According to Van Staden a report on the municipality by the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA) revealed a significant amount of grant monies allocated in the previous financial year could not be accounted for.

“The DA will fully cooperate and assist the investigators in all matters. We also call upon all municipal employees to give their cooperation and not to undermine the process.

“The DA will ensure that where evidence implicates individuals in wrongdoing, cases will be reported to the relevant Chapter Nine institutions and the police.”

Van Staden said the DA requested a forensic audit to be done within the two former municipalities, Mookgophong and Modimolle, for years to uncover the cause of the poor state of municipal finances.

“Corruption and mismanagement will not be allowed to undermine the DA’s goal of improving service delivery to all residents,” Van Staden concluded.


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