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Damning violence: ANC councillor allegedly part of xenophobic terror

An African National Congress (ANC) municipal councillor suspected of alleged involvement in perceived mob justice is being placed at the nucleus of an ongoing reign of xenophobic terror gripping communities on the other side of Seshego. The harsh reality of damning violence against foreigners in Tambo View, Makgofe, Mashimong and Makgakwa Village were alluded to …

An African National Congress (ANC) municipal councillor suspected of alleged involvement in perceived mob justice is being placed at the nucleus of an ongoing reign of xenophobic terror gripping communities on the other side of Seshego.
The harsh reality of damning violence against foreigners in Tambo View, Makgofe, Mashimong and Makgakwa Village were alluded to by eye witnesses of incidents allegedly committed last Monday afternoon, in the early hours of Sunday and again on Monday. According to information another attack is being planned for this weekend.
During a visit to the area eye witnesses relayed the alleged happenings of last Monday afternoon as they sketched the horror that preceded the incident. The perceived spate of ongoing xenophobic attacks on Zimbabweans accused of theft in the area has reportedly left a foreign national dead and more injured, it was learnt.
Sources informed Polokwane Observer that two overloaded taxis had arrived from one side of Tambo View at a new stand at around 14:00 last Monday, the passengers hunting five Zimbabwean males. One of the eye witnesses gave an account of one of the foreigners apparently aiming a firearm at the councillor, who was among the group and driving a white Polo. It was pointed out that the councillor allegedly accelerated and hit the armed foreigner with the vehicle.
An eye witness explained that after the Zimbabwean had been struck he was hit with stones and pick axe handles held by community members. The source confirmed that the man had later died. Another foreigner seemed injured during the attack and he had seemingly been taken to hospital with an injury to the leg, he said.
Another source informed Polokwane Observer that the same councillor linked to the reported attack of last Monday had been central during a community gathering in Tambo View on Sunday at around 05:00, whereupon the approximately 130-strong group allegedly proceeded to parts of Tambo View, Makgofe and Mashimong in search of Zimbabwean nationals suspected of crime. Four shacks were burnt in the process, according to sources who referred to witnessing the taking up of pick axe handles and overhearing community members raising the need for them to go and get petrol.
By the time the group had approached the targeted shacks that morning the Zimbabwean occupants had already fled as they most probably were alerted by the approaching noise, remarked the one source.
A similar approach had allegedly been taken on Monday afternoon when members of the community reportedly re-grouped again, targeted foreign elements in their midst and found stolen furniture at a dwelling at Makgakga Village, it was learnt. According to information obtained from sources in the area community members are planning to follow the same procedures this weekend.
When asked for information related to the alleged ongoing violent acts in the area, Provincial Police spokesperson Moatshe Ngoepe passed on details about several incidents in the Seshego Policing area the past few days. An analysis of the details, however, points at a single case of murder seemingly sparked by a mob attack. He referred to the case following an incident on Sunday at around 02:00 when a man was found with a stab wound at Letsokoane in Blood River, on the other side of Seshego. “A group of people went into Mokwalakwala’s Tarvern owned by a Nigerian national, they stole the liqour in his tavern and stabbed his brother to death.”
Ngoepe wasn’t available for further clarification.


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