Future entrepreneurs to benefit from youth development partnership

This multi-million Rand partnership venture with the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (Leda) will impart entrepreneurial and business skills to around 800 youths in the province.

POLOKWANE – The Minister of Labour, Mildred Oliphant, Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) Commissioner Teboho Maruping and the MEC for the Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism Seaparo Sekoati on Saturday, 28 July launched a youth development partnership programme for the training and incubation of youth in Limpopo.

This multi-million Rand partnership venture with the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (Leda) will impart entrepreneurial and business skills to around 800 youths in the province.

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The event was attended by Chairperson of the Leda Board, Mofasi Lekota, Chief Executive Officer of Leda, Ben Mphahlele and Executive Manager of the Limpopo Economic Development Forum (EDF) and Leda, Humphrey Maphutha.

The keynote speech was delivered by Oliphant, who said there is sufficient evidence that all successful economies were built on, and continue to be built on, skills.

She said it seems that there is no choice but to start thinking differently and do things differently if we are to survive, and skills revolution is but one of thing we must do and do quickly.

She said: “It is my strong view that a focus on revitalising village, township and small dorpies’ economies, is an excellent starting point in pursuit of realising the real meaning of radical economic transformation.

Labour Minister Mildred Oliphant delivers the keynote address at the launch of the partnership between the UIF fund and Leda for youth development.
Photo: supplied.

Starting with empowering ordinary people in our villages, townships and small dorpies is best way of bringing the real benefits of our democracy to the people on the ground.”

She reminded the attendees about the general dealers in the townships and villages of years gone by, where one could buy anything there, from bread to a wheelbarrow.

“The question I want to ask, is where are the township and village general dealers and spaza shops today, and, who runs them? Is it because our generation is not entrepreneurial enough, or just blind to the opportunities that exist?”

She echoed sentiments expressed in the National Development Plans, saying: “Entrepreneurship is the key driver for job creation and economic growth, and that 90% of jobs will be created by small and medium businesses by the year 2030.”

She said the 800 learners targeted through the partnership will assist the impact of the Venture Creation Learnership to be greatly felt in communities where the learners will establish their businesses and employ other people. The commitment of Leda is to enrol 500 learners into the incubation programme for 24 months and to assist these learners until they are strong enough to stand on their own.

Oliphant said the UIF is not a mere bystander, but an active participant in the economy and not only to cushion hardships associated with being unemployed but that the moneys collected are also invested in organisations such as the Public Investment Corporation, IDC and many others to grow the pool.

She said the fund plays a big part in national infrastructure projects, such as Kusile and Medupi, students loans, preventing job losses in companies through Productivity South Africa interventions, training lay-off scheme partly funded by the Fund and National Skills Fund and various training programmes such as the one launched, geared towards skilling and reskilling.

• The Premier of Limpopo, Chupu Mathabatha, launched the Youth Development Programme 26 July under the theme ‘Moving towards a meaningful Economic Transformation driven through Youth Empowerment’.

The programme was based on the Youth Development Strategy approved by the Executive Council in May and aimed at developing a practical programme to empowering 9 000 young people in the 2018/19 financial year with opportunities in various departments and entities.

The opportunities provided are in the following sectors: agriculture – 410, transport and logistics – 641, tourism – 490, environment – 976, ICT – 500, green economy – 50, engineering services mechanical – 406, artisanal, manufacturing and construction – 3 510, business services entrepreneurship – 2 603, and general government – 70.


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