[WATCH] Westenburg residents get a word with the mayor

Westenburg residents met with the Polokwane Mayor, Thembi Nkadimeng on Monday, 30 July and they managed to come to an agreement following recent service delivery protests in Westenburg.

POLOKWANE – Those who attended the meeting included the Polokwane Mayor, Polokwane Municipal Manager, Polokwane Municipal Speaker, Polokwane Municipal Chief Whip, representatives of the Provincial Police Service and the station commander of the Westenburg Police Station.

Residents handed a memorandum to the Polokwane Municipality, containing several grievances and demands.

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Some of the community’s grievances and demands: Getting the swimming pool, that has not been in operation for many years, in working order and renovations to the parks and sport stadium. Proper billing for water and electricity as the billing system is flawed, and a clinic.

Nkadimeng responded to the memorandum and explained to them that out of the 14 demands, only four are the municipality’s responsibility, while the others fall within other departments, but the municipality will assist and write to those responsible.

“Prior to this meeting we have met with your leaders and we have come to an agreement. Regarding the renovations of the parks and stadium – we will send a delegation, with members of your leadership to do an assessment and from there further planning will be done. The swimming pool is part of our budget as we are already working on repairs at the Westenburg and Nirvana Swimming Pools,” Nkadimeng explained.

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On the residents demand for jobs, Nkadimeng explained that the municipality works according to the Employment Equity principles.

“We meet the required target, but even so it does not mean we cannot improve. We have committed that the leaders are welcome to come and look whether we meet the target.

“Regarding government tenders, we are guided by rules and process need to be followed.

“The building project at Extension 40 is not a municipal project and appointment of sub-contractors cannot be done by the municipality. There is a private contractor appointed by the responsible department who is working on site,” Nkadimeng said.

She added complaints of residents being forcefully removed from their land should be followed up with by the Department of Landclaims and not the municipality.

“We have reported the matter to the department and they have agreed that the leaders can follow up on who the beneficiaries are of the land.

“Residents’ request for a clinic and youth centre were noted. As the municipality we can only avail land for the building of these facilities. The responsibility to build the facilities lies with the responsible departments,” Nkadimeng explained.

On the matter of high municipal accounts and wrong billing Nkadimeng said they will write off the debt for indigent residents.

“No one of the indigents’ services will be cut off. Those who were cut off will be reconnected. Furthermore, we have agreed to reduce cut off fees from 50% to 20%.”

Residents applauded the mayor after her feedback on their memorandum.

When the floor was opened for the residents to give feedback, one resident brought to the mayor’s attention that RDP houses in Westenburg are owned by people who do not live in the community and these houses are being rented out. The resident suggested that these houses be given to residents from the community.

Ray Goulkan, Chairperson of the Westenburg Community Development Forum, took to the floor and pleaded with the police to withdraw the charges against the 10 residents who were arrested during the protest: “We have made significant progress in finding a resolution for all. We plea and request that charges be dropped so we can find each other and work together.”


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