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Malesela is raising his children to bring change to the world

It is with seamless grace that Malesela Maubane interacts with his family

POLOKWANE – When the Maubane clan meets BONUS at a park for an interview about Father’s Day, the youngest son, Bohlale (3), was in dreamland. It is with extreme caution that Malesela lays him in the backseat of the car and makes sure that he is comfortable before the interview can proceed. The amount of love and care that is clearly visible in the eyes of this father of three says a lot about the type of father he is.

Malesela explained he is bringing up his children to be self-sufficient and upstanding citizens who can bring change to the world, adding that although it is not easy to raise children, they are a blessing as much as they can sometimes test your patience.

Ofentse and Bohlale Maubane

“These new age kids will tell you that you are uptight but what they don’t understand is that there is a time for fun and there is a time to become serious. I try to instill discipline because it teaches responsibility and one day they will understand why we as parents do the things we do,” he said.

Ofentse, who is the eldest of the Maubane children, speaks of his father with tremendous adulation, but like any other 18-year-old, he wishes his father would loosen the reigns a little bit because it is preventing him from having a social life.

Keoratile and Ofentse

“I want a social life as well as to explore the world because this is my final year in Polokwane, but my parents think otherwise. They want me to focus on school and sometimes I feel like they treat me like a baby,” he said. He added, however, that his father is the absolute best and he would not trade him for anyone in this world. He recalled a time last year when his father showed up when he was playing at the Craven Week in Johannesburg when he wasn’t expecting him to. He said this will forever be one of the memories he holds dear because it meant a lot to have his father there supporting him.

He has taken many lessons from his father and one of them is how to be chivalrous and responsible. “I take a lot from watching his interactions with my mom. The amount of love and respect he has for my mom is amazing, he is a complete gentleman, even opening doors for her. That is the type of man I want to become,” he explained.

Keoratile, the princess of the family, clearly adores her dad, explaining that he always has time to play with her and sometimes gives her his phone to play with. He even takes her to the park but her most favourite of all is the time they spend together as a family at Panarottis.


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