Beware of fake municipal officials in Flora Park and Ster Park

Residents in Flora Park and Ster Park have reported a surge in people pretending to be from the municipality as a way to gain entry into yards, enabling them to commit crimes.

POLOKWANE – One of the residents, who wishes to remain anonymous due to fear of victimisation, said she has experienced two incidents where she almost became a victim of this latest modus operandi.

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“These people come to the gate and identify themselves as workers from the Polokwane Municipality and once they get into the gate, more people come out of hiding. In the first incident I experienced, after being allowed into the gate, the person tried to gain entry into my house. In my attempt to get away from him, he managed to flee with my house keys and the remote for the gate,” she explained.

The second incident happened recently while her husband was home. A man at the front gate identified himself as an official from the municipality.

Fortunately after the previous incident, they were more aware and the woman’s husband gave chase and the man ran away.

Municipal Spokesperson, Disree Manyane, urged residents to be vigilant.

“Officials from the municipality have tags to make them identifiable. Be weary of anybody who says they are from the municipality but who do not have the identification tags to prove it. If you are a victim of a crime, report the matter to the police,” Manyane advised residents.

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