Off-duty Warrant Officer assists in foiling a business robbery in Groblesdal

The Warrant Officer, who was on leave, is attached to the Zaaiplaas Police Station.

LIMPOPO – “When Duty Calls” was the phrase of the day on Tuesday, 8 May, when a Warrant Officer (WO) on official leave placed himself on duty and assisted in foiling a business robbery that was about to take place in Sephaku village in Groblersdal.

According to Captain Manong Tshehla (Corporate Communication: Groblersdal Cluster), it all started with a message on a Whatsapp group which the WO read, detailing information about the suspects who were about to rob the local shop.

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“True to his calling, the officer, who is attached to Zaaiplas police station as Visible Policing Commander, jumped into his private car without hesitation and proceeded to the scene,” Tshehla said.

The self-propelled officer immediately sprung into action on arrival and took position together with members of the local police station.

“The members then pounced on two suspects, who at first attempted to flee to evade arrest. One of the suspects produced a firearm but was shot in the leg before he could use it. The second suspect was found in possession of an Okapi knife and both were apprehended.”

The pistol will be sent for ballistic examination to determine if it was not used in the commission of other crimes previously.

“The suspects will be charged with conspiracy to commit business robbery and possession of an illegal firearm and dangerous weapons,” Tshehla concluded.

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