Ian and Blondie say farewell to their fellow Rotarians

The Potgietersrus Rotary Club bid a sad farewell to their past president, Ian McGlashan, and his wife, Blondie.

MOKOPANE – The club elected Makgabo Senoamadi as the new president for 2018/19.

While Rotarians and guests were treated to a three-course meal, Maliti de Beer, a fellow Rotarian, commemorated Ian and Blondie McGlashan’s dedication towards the club and the community.

Ian McGlashan, (past district governor) congratulate Makgabo Senoamadi, newly elected (president 2018/2019).

“We all became friends and the friendship even became stronger when I joined the club. Blondie you are a lady who I will remember for always taking care of yourself and always in control. You adore your husband and family and are passionate about people who are in need. Ian you are the most perfect gentleman and a great friend. We will always treasure our time together and remember your sense of humor. Ian and Blondie, your work is legendary and a foundation for our club.”

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Ian, the outgoing president, asked the question during his speech why they become Rotarians. “I gained nothing for being a Rotarian. I did not receive one cent. People did not come and buy from my shop because I am a Rotarian. No, what I did receive was the satisfaction to serve my community. Getting that feeling I have done something for my community, that’s why we are Rotarians.”

Ian McGlashan, (past district governor) handover the presidents chain to the newly elected president for 2018/2019 Makgabo Senoamadi.

What do we do for our community?

• We had the longest breakfast table for 200 people in the Crossing Mall and raised over R18 000 for the polio prevention project.

• There is the reach out to youth project that is run by Leon van Huysteen.

• We have the child identification project every year where we compile a DNA identification kit for minors.

• Through the wheelchair project we hand wheelchairs to the ones in need.

• Rotary also have a dry food project where we hand dry food to the poor.

• We also funded Christmas lights for the Monument old age home’s Christmas light project.

McGlashan concluded his speech with a toast to all Rotarians and the new president.

“This is the reason why we are Rotarians and I have the fullest confidence in you, Senoamadi.

“I know you will lead this club with pride and integrity. I know you will inspire the members.”

Senoamadi addressed the guests and fellow Rotarians and said her theme for the year is inspiration. “I am sure there was something of me that inspire you and that is the reason why you chose me to be your president. I assure you with my committee beside me I will keep that flame burning.”

Senoamadi said the Rotary club is a global network of 1,2 million Rotarians who see a world where people unite and take action to make lasting changes in communities. “Rotarian’s voluntary use their passion, energy, skills and time to take action on sustainable projects. Rotarians always work to better our world and we stay committed to a project.”

Senoamadi concluded her speech with the following:

“We will make a difference in our homes and communities. If you want to go far in life, walk with someone.”


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