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Ponigirl wants all of South Africa to sign along with her

Pontsho Kgamane (14), better known by her nickname Ponigirl, has made an appeal to all South Africans to learn sign language.

POLOKWANE – The Gr 9 learner from Filadelfia Secondary School in Moletjie was born as the only deaf child among her five siblings.

“My father is a sign language and deaf interpreter so it came as a blessing that I was fortunate to be born into a family who already knew how to sign.

You might also want to read: Take the time to learn sign language, help to change lives with DeafSA

“Unfortunately, not many of my deaf friends are as fortunate. I want to use BONUS as a platform to reach out to people and encourage them to learn sign language so they can communicate with deaf people. My entire family signs with me when I am home for the holidays. It warms my heart most when my granny, gogo Mpeki, who is over 60 years old, is able to communicate with me using South African Sign Language (SASL). My spiritual father at church does his best to communicate with the deaf in the church which helps to strengthen my faith in God,” she said.

Ponigirl said her mother taught her from an early age that everyone has their own way of communicating and working through their own disabilities and shortcomings. She said we all have our own language to communicate in, where they use Sepedi, I use SASL.”

She enjoys poetry and has regularly recited poems from a young age.

“I am always glued to my cell phone. When I am not at school it is the most effective way to communicate with my friends and family. I don’t take it with me to school as it will interfere with my studies and we have not yet moved to the tablet learning system. I enjoy reading magazines and doing word puzzles or playing mind games such as chess.”

Ponigirl plans to study towards becoming a chartered accountant after she completes Gr 12.


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