Combat the common cold this winter with these tips

The most effective method of preventing a cold is to strengthen the immune system.

POLOKWANE – Winter is starting and so are the colds.

It’s important to remember a cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, it is very contagious and incubation time is 18 to 48 hours.

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Symptoms include congestion of nasal passages with a watery discharge, sneezing, and headaches, A cold may also be accompanied by a dry sore throat, fever, body aches, fatigue, and chills.

The most effective method of preventing a cold is to strengthen the immune system. More than one or two colds a year signals weakened immunity. If frequent colds are experienced, it is advisable to be checked for food allergies. A poor diet, physiological and psychological stress, and drug use (including the use of alcohol and tobacco) can all weaken the immune system. Steps to take to shorten recovery time from cold.

Get plenty bed rest: Lack of rest can hinder body’s defence mechanisms and prolong infection. When you sleep, powerful immune-strengthening substances are released, enhancing the potency of your immune functions.

Drink plenty fluids: The mucous membranes lining the respiratory tract must be kept hydrated. When they become dry, they offer a desirable breeding ground for viruses. A moist respiratory tract repels viral infections, use a vaporizer, facial must spry, or facial steamer, and drink liquids throughout the day.

Take hot footbaths: Dissolve a tablespoon of mustard powder in a bucket of hot water, and soak your feet for approximately ten minutes, Wrap your head in a towel at this time to increase your body heat.

Use lavender oil and eucalyptus oil to clear your throat and nose: Put six to eight drops of lavender oil or eucalyptus oil in a large pan of boiling water and reduce heat to a simmer. Wrap head in a towel and inhale. Do not use during pregnancy. Use half this amount of oil for children and infants only one drop in bath water.

Lizel Britz 072 243 7707.

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