Apology to Fast and Furious Distribution

On 19 February Polokwane Observer published an article titled “Wage dispute leads to strike, protest action” which alleged that Fast and Furious Distribution had failed to pay wages to their employees. It subsequently came to our attention upon receiving communication from Fast and Furious Distributions that Fast and Furious Distributions disputed the statements made based …

On 19 February Polokwane Observer published an article titled “Wage dispute leads to strike, protest action” which alleged that Fast and Furious Distribution had failed to pay wages to their employees. It subsequently came to our attention upon receiving communication from Fast and Furious Distributions that Fast and Furious Distributions disputed the statements made based on the article containing a number of factual inaccuracies and falsehoods and we are currently doing internal investigations as to the sources referred to in the article.
Fast and Furious Distributions contends that it had not been given the opportunity to comment to the statements made in the article and that it was a one-sided version based on falsehoods and unconfirmed claims, for which purpose we hereby retract the article and formally apologise to Fast and Furious Distributions to the extent that they suffered damages or an injury to their reputation as a result thereof.
Notwithstanding our attempts and efforts to exercise responsible journalism and only publish articles based on corroborated statements, the article may have resulted in the reader drawing a negative inference as to the manner in which Fast and Furious conducts business, and it was impressed upon us that to the contrary, Fast and Furious pride themselves on creating, maintaining and growing positive and empowering relationships with not only customers or service providers, but especially with employees, staff members or contractors.

Story: Herbert Rachuene

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