Mrs Polokwane finalist, Pheodora Holmes, looks out for single mothers

With a heart as big as an amphitheatre, Pheodora Holmes always has a place in her heart for single mothers and teenage mothers so she goes out of her way to help them whenever she can.

POLOKWANE – Pheodora is a finalist in the Mrs Polokwane 2019 competition and when this businesswomen finds time in her busy schedule, she enjoys spending it with her husband and children.

Review had the opportunity to get to know her a bit better.

“My husband, Benjamin, works at Taberna Dei, a passion which I share with him as I am also closely involved with the church.”

She explained her entering for the Mrs Polokwane competition initially started as a joke between her and her sister but the more she thought about it, the more she realised it would be a great opportunity for her to help the community.

“I wanted to help the community but I didn’t want to be in a beauty pageant to do so but when I asked the current Mrs Polokwane, Janine Kruger, about it, she explained the essence of the competition to me. She told me the competition wasn’t a beauty pageant at all, it was all about giving back to the community.”

When she was informed she was selected as one of the finalists, she was surprised at first but soon realised it was serious.

“When I was announced as a finalist, the nerves crept up on me but with Benjamin’s full support, I feel more at ease and confident to take on the competition.”

Pheodora is the owner of Mom & Baby Inc. and she decided to take on Ngwana Baby House as her charity.

“I feel every child who comes into this world must be given an opportunity in life. At Ngwana Baby House the children receive this opportunity, even though their parents could not look after them. I respect the personnel at the charity and I want to support them.”

Her main event she will host will be in the form of a breakfast for parents, especially new parents. “I plan to get a special guest speaker to talk to the parents at the breakfast. I have a lot of respect for single mothers as well as teenage mothers and I feel parents need to be encouraged and empowered.”

Here are your finalists for Mrs Polokwane 2019

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