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Vital points in dire need of traffic lights

The absence of traffic lights at a number of crossings and intersections where peak hour congestion creates life threatening circumstances, has become a matter of concern to residents. No steps are seemingly being taken to attend to this situation. The intersection of DieMeer and Du Plessis streets is often clogged by traffic from DieMeer, at …

The absence of traffic lights at a number of crossings and intersections where peak hour congestion creates life threatening circumstances, has become a matter of concern to residents.
No steps are seemingly being taken to attend to this situation.
The intersection of DieMeer and Du Plessis streets is often clogged by traffic from DieMeer, at times to such an extent that turning either left or right from Du Plessis Street is nearly impossible. Impatient motorists are frequently observed jumping the line and entering DieMeer Street causing a dangerous situation for those observing the rules of the road and waiting their turn.
The DieMeer-Veldspaat intersection is served by a stop sign and at peak times, motorists have to wait quite a time to enter Veldspaat Street or risk their lives by entering the intersection in the face of oncoming traffic.
Vehicles on the N1 go through the intersection with the Soetdorings Road at high speeds and the absence of visible road markings create a situation where a serious accident can happen at any time. Heavy traffic on the N1 makes it extremely dangerous for motorists coming from Soetdorings or for those attempting to turn right into Soetdorings Road from a northern direction.
The municipality was requested to indicate whether there are any plans in the pipeline to provide traffic lights at these crucial points, but no response was forthcoming at time of going to print.

Story & photos: BARRY VILJOEN

Vehicles from Soetdorings wait to enter the intersection with the N1 near Thatch Palace.
The intersection of DieMeer and Veldspaat streets is controlled by a stop sign only and creates high congestion during peak times.

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