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[Opinion Piece] What to do and what not to do in a taxi

Here is a list of things that are yes or a definite no-no when using public transport

POLOKWANE – For anybody who has used public transport at one point or another in their lives, have had an experience that they never want to relive. Here is a list of things that are yes or a definite no-no when using public transport

* DON’T – Come across as self important. It is rude to go into a taxi and not greet. This doesn’t mean you have to carry a conversation, just be polite enough to acknowledge the people you find in a taxi.

* DO – If you go into a taxi that has more empty seats than those that are occupied. Try by all means to sit furthest from the person that is already there, unless you know each other. There’s nothing worse than being cramped up in one corner when there are so many available seats to choose from. Let’s respect each other’s space.

*DON’T – Forget yourself when chewing gum, this one applies everywhere. Gum is very annoying, don’t subject people to your gum popping skills.

* DO – Open windows when you are seated next to one. There is nothing worse than being stuck in an stuffy taxi for 30 minutes just because the person seated at the window is unaffected by it. This applies in winter as well.

*DON’T – Poke the person seated in the seat in front of you when you are paying. A gentle tap on the shoulder will work just as well to get their attention.

*DO- Mind your own business. There is nothing worse than texting and finding the person sitting next to you reading your conversation. This goes back to respecting personal space.

*DON’T – Listen to your headsets at an abnormally high volume. It’s irritating hearing somebody’s music through their headsets.

*DO – Increase your walking pace if you stop a taxi that is at a distance. There is nothing worse than a person stopping a taxi and strolling like there is no hurry in the world, we all have places to be.

*DON’T – subject people to your delicious smelling food. Remember out of courtesy, especially in the middle of the month, not to torture people just because you can still afford takeaways. You can wait until you get home to eat or if you’re too hungry, eat at the restaurant.

*DO – give your comfortable seat to the elderly, disabled and pregnant. The front seat and the row directly behind the drivers seat are considered the most confortable for the mentioned groups. be considerate.

*DON’T – slam the door when you close it, this is the quickest way to get into a driver’s bad books.

What are your taxi do’s and don’t’s


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