Listeriosis: how it affects street vendors

With the source of the nationwide listeriosis outbreak identified as ready-to-eat meat from Enterprise Foods, Review asked street vendors in the city who rely on ready-to-eat meat products how this affects their business.

POLOKWANE – Fast food sellers from the CBD, Jeany Mabasa Trading, voiced their concerns regarding this issue. Mpho Malatsi, Emily Monene Masekwambene, Linah Maponya, Ferens Mailula, Rose Kobo, Tlou Malefe and Mokgadi sell food from a tent in the city’s central business district.

Mpho Malatsi, Emily Monene Masekwambene, Linah Maponya, Ferens Mailula, Rose Kobo.

‘People are afraid to buy from us as they assume the cold meats we use are contaminated with listeriosis. This not only affects us negatively as it also affects our customers who relied on our food for lunch which is more affordable than a restaurant,” Emily said.

Another street vendor,  Kenny Tloubatla from Chebeng, share their sentiments, adding the listeriosis outbreak is damaging their chances as emerging entrepreneurs.

“For instance, I have regular clients who still buy my cold meat sandwiches because I managed to explain to them that I do not use any of the meat implicated in the outbreak. Fortunately some of my regular customers still buy food from me as they say they have been eating my food for a long time and won’t stop now without physical proof. The recent developments is really going to affect my business negatively,” he said.

Another street vendor, Agnes Dibula, said she doesn’t buy cold meats from Enterprise.

“We don’t buy cold meats from Enterprise, however, people from the community largely classifies certain products of a similar nature. For instance, they believe all our cold meats come from Enterprise which is not the case at all. This is challenging for our business as we not only lose clients but money as well as the cold meats we have purchased will end up going bad because no one will want to buy them,” she explained.

Agnes Dibula, Malatjie Reneilwe and Mmupi Mogoboya.

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