Muni addresses residents concern of water connections

Local residents want to know how a new outlet water pipe is justified by the Mogalakwena Municipality to supply water from an already depleted source to rural areas as far as Sekuruwe.

MOKOPANE – Bosveld has obtained information from an anonymous source that an 800 mm outlet water pipe is to be connected to the 400 mm inlet water pipe from Doorndraai dam and connected to Mokopane’s reservoir.

This new pipeline is located at the Piet-se-Kop reservoir in Mahwelereng and will supply water to Sekuruwe and villages alongside the pipeline.

At previous meetings, Khutso Tsebe, Division Head of Water, Sanitation Technical Division of Mogalakwena Municipality said: “Lepelle Northern Water is currently licenced to supply a total of 13,5 ML/day and Planknek boreholes supply about 1,5 to 2 Ml/day. That is an average of 15 ML/ day and the demand is on average 10 to 12 ML/day.

“Mogalakwena Local Municipality is a Water Services Authority in terms of the Water Services Act and has a duty to provide access to water services to all consumers within the municipality.

“The pipeline from Lepelle Northern Water is 400 mm in diameter and will be connected to an 800 mm diameter pipeline. The purpose of the connection is to ensure that when there is sufficient water to meet the demand from town, then the additional water may be sent to Mahwelereng and beyond.

“This is an interim measure which will be implemented when sufficient water is available from Lepelle Northen Water”.

According to Tsebe, additional water will be allocated to Mogalakwena from the Department of Water and Sanitation through Doorndraai dam which will increase the current licensed supply. “The municipality has also drilled more boreholes in Industrial Wellfield to augment the peri-urban areas.

“The municipality is also in engagement with another water services authorities to supply more water to Mogalakwena Municipality from the south boundary. I would like to emphasise, the municipality will not allocate water to other areas if there is water shortages.

“I understand the frustration of the community about the pipe bursts and water shortages.

“I assure them we do our utmost and there is a maintenance master plan in place and when funds are available, maintenance and repairs will be implemented.

“This includes repair and maintenance of all water-related infrastructure.”

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