‘No place for thieves in our town’

The car guards of the Community Policing Forum (CPF) make a remarkable difference when it comes to the safety of Mokopane's residents.

MOKOPANE – Andy Goetsch, Chairman of Community Policing Forum, Col Isaac Mantjane Station Commander of Mokopane Police Station, Yolande Coetzee, DA Councillor of the Mogalakwena Municipality and various parties involved in the CPF held a meeting with the car guards last Thursday.

Goetsch commemorate the car guards for their hard work and making sure that the community and their property are safe while they are shopping.

Mantjane said he is thankful for the project and that the car guards work so close with the police. “I am also glad to see that businesses like Ivanplats and NTT Toyota are also on board with this project and support the CPF. Together we will make a difference in town and make it a safer place for the community. ”

Mantjane said there are hot spots in town that the car guards and the community should be aware off.

Col Isaac Mantjane, (Mokopane Station Commander), Daphney Tsatsi, (Ivanplats, Communictions Officer), Yolande Coetzee, (Mogalakwena Municipality, DA Councillor) and Andy Goetsch, (Community Policing Forum, Chairman) with police officers and the car guards.

“The hot spots are: In the main street from Thabo Mbeki and Nelson Mandela Drive up to Van Riebeeck and Thabo Mbeki Drive. The Crossing Centre’s parking area and the parking area at Absa in Thabo Mbeki Street and Nelson Mandela Drive.”

Mantjane said the community should be vigilant for possible danger or difficulties and report any suspicious person to the police. Mantjane is 24/7 on call and the members of CPF, business owners and the community are welcome to call him at any time. “Together we will make it difficult for the thieves to roam the streets and terrorise the community. There are no place in town for thieves and thugs.” Mantjane concluded the meeting. The police station’s contact numbers for assistance are (015) 409 1418, 1419,1420, 1421.


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