Mokopane residents must ‘drastically start saving water’

Mokopane's demand for water is currently higher than that what Lepelle waterworks can supply

MOKOPANE – Residents of Mokopane and surrounding areas have been urged to start saving water immediately.

This is the outcome of the emergency community meeting organised by the DA between the Mogalakwena Municipality’s technical services and Lepelle waterworks held on Wednesday evening.

“Mokopane’s demand for water is higher than that what Lepelle waterworks can supply, said Khutso Tsebe, Division Head of Water and Sanitation Technical Department of Mogalakwena Municipality.
He explained: “Mokopane’s average demand is 20-30 kiloliter per day and Lepelle can only supply Mokopane with 15-20 kiloliters per day. We are urgently looking to bring in water restrictions and we ask that residents to please use water sparingly. ”

Read the full article in next weeks Bosveld Review.

DIE inwoners van Mokopane en omliggende omgewing sal drastiese waterbesparings moet begin toepas.

Dit blyk na die dringende gemeenskaps vergadering wat Woensdagaand deur die DA met Mogalakwena Munisipaliteit se tegniese diense en Lepelle waterwerke gereël is.

Mokopane se aanvraag na water is hoër as wat Lepelle waterwerke aan Mokopane kan voorsien.
Khutso Tsebe, Divisie Hoof van water en sanitasie se tegniese afdeling van Mogalakwena Munisipaliteit het gesê: “Mokopane se gemiddelde aanvraag is 20-30 killoliter per dag en Lepelle kan net 15-20 killoliter voorsien. Daar word dringend gekyk na waterbeperkings en ons vra dat die inwoners asseblief spaarsamig moet werk met die water.”

Lees die volle artikel in volgende week se Bosveld Review.

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