Westenburg residents want service problems addressed

The recently formed Westenburg Development Community Forum (WDCF) was forced to hold their meeting with Westenburg residents on the pavement outside the community hall as it was inaccessible last Tuesday. WDCF chairperson, Ray Goulkan, said they were told by Stuurman Mashimpye, a member of the Ward 19 municipal committee, that arrangements to use the hall …

The recently formed Westenburg Development Community Forum (WDCF) was forced to hold their meeting with Westenburg residents on the pavement outside the community hall as it was inaccessible last Tuesday.
WDCF chairperson, Ray Goulkan, said they were told by Stuurman Mashimpye, a member of the Ward 19 municipal committee, that arrangements to use the hall should be made with the councillor. “But the councillor was in India and left no one in charge of the community hall, so how were we supposed to make arrangements?” Goulkan questioned.
Some residents attending the meeting threatened to break the gates down next time they were denied access.
The meeting was held so that residents could put their burning issues on the table, and the WDCF could work to have them addressed.
Addressing those present, Goulkan said problems that need immediate attention included the reopening of the public swimming pool, ridding the suburb – especially parks – of refuse and repairing the roads in and leading to Westenburg.
Residents also said empowerment of the youth in their community is very important, as is assisting the unemployed to find work.
Another urgent matter was that companies from outside Polokwane were reaping the benefit of doing work in the city, without employing any local labour. “This must stop. Local labour should be used and local companies should be contracted,” Goulkan said and several residents agreed.
Mashimpye urged residents to put their concerns in writing, which he would ensure was handed to ward councillor Hafiz Shaikh.
At the time of going to print, Goulkan said he was currently finalising the forum’s constitution and would register it immediately thereafter. He said the executive committee of the WDCF would be meeting, and thereafter an appointment with Shaikh would be requested in order to address the issues raised.
“We are tired of not being heard and our problems being ignored, so I hope this committee will help us,” several residents who did not wish to be named said.

Story & photo: KAREN VENTER

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