Municipality says reservoirs are declining drastically

Lepelle Northern Water stopped supply from Olifantspoort plant on Tuesday morning due to a power failure

POLOKWANE – According to the municipality, the power failure resulted in pump stations being stopped because of low Specon level.

“The power failure affected the communications system from the plant after being restored two hours later,” the municipality said.

By the time pumping began, reservoir levels were very low and needed to be raised in order to save pumps.

“Nine boreholes are currently not operating, which supply water from Potgieter and our maintenance team is working around the clock to repair the problems.”

Tuesday morning’s reservoir stats were as follows:

Seshego: 5%

Krugersburg: 7%

Ext 34:30%

Potgieter: 0%,

Ebenezer: 42l/s

Olifantspoort: 159, 9 l/s

The municipality is urging residents to use water sparingly due to the reservoirs being under pressure.

“This might lead to many areas experiencing shortages in the future. Let’s all remember that water is a scarce resource,” the municipality concluded.

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