34 undocumented foreigners arrested during roadblock outside Polokwane

The roadblock was conducted by Limpopo SAPS on the N1 South on Friday morning.

POLOKWANE – According to police spokesperson, Brigadier Motlafela Mojapelo, the safer festive season operations are still in full swing with a Provincial Crime Prevention roadblock conducted in the early hours of Friday morning.

Read more: SAPS launches Operation Safer Festive Season

The roadblock was manned along the N1, South of Polokwane by members of the public order police, operational response service,  airwing, VIS, as well as VISPOL from Polokwane, Seshego and Mahwelereng clusters, traffic, home affairs, Mahwelereng CPF and the YCOP.

Provincial Commissioner Lieutenant General Nneke Ledwaba.
Photo: Lim SAPS

“It commenced with a parade led by the Deputy Provincial Commissioner, Major General Scheepers. The roadblock was also visited by the Provincial Commissioner who participated in the searches of people and vehicles,” Mojapelo explained.

The following activities were carried out and successes achieved:

• 841 vehicles were searched
• 2 697 people were searched

Photo: Lim SAPS

• 34 undocumented foreigners were arrested
• One arrested for possession of dagga

Photo: Lim SAPS

• Two vehicles were impounded
• 28 people were screened for drunken driving
• 29 summons were issued for exceeding speed limit

“One person was arrested for possession of firearms with three pump guns with four rounds and one R4 rifle with ten rounds without a license were confiscated.”

Photo: Lim SAPS
Photo: Lim SAPS

3691 pamphlets on Domestic Violence, Ministerial Six Points Plan and Safer Festive Season Operations were distributed.

“Similar operations are being conducted across the province and will be continued until the end of the festive season period,” Mojapelo concluded.


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