Keep calm and tackle homework one step at a time

Review journalist, Nadia Bradbury looks at how tackle homework with your child for the first time.

POLOKWANE – It is a turning point in the life of both parent and child, the first day of Gr 1 and the indicator that your baby has turned into a clear-cut Bonsai version of well yourself.

However, what some parents are unaware of is the amount of work, homework that is, that comes with the territory.

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Gone are the days of simply picking up and dropping of your munchkin and receive endless amounts of drawings and paintings that covers the fridge door. First time Gr 1 parents are entering the unchartered water of the one thing that is sure to send any child heading for the hills in its mere mention…HOMEWORK.

Being a mom myself I was shocked that children even get homework at such a young age and the pace at which the amount seems to proliferate at times had me with my hands in my hair smiling so as to not make my annoyance known.

These days the most common question or conversation between parents seems to be about the amount of school work and home work their children receive every day. It starts in Gr 1 and usually comes as quite a shock to us parents as it definitely was for me.

According to the Vita Nova Counselling Centre these five tips should help set up a proper homework drill:

  1. The key to helping your child is to first have a very positive attitude towards school and homework. It won’t help your child if they continually overhear negative conversations their parents have about the amount of homework they get every day. Check your child’s homework book every day. Your child will learn from your positive responsibility.
  2. Try to have a routine in place for your afternoon and homework time. This will help your child set a pace that they are able to cope with. Maybe a snack or drink before sitting for homework would work better. Children also learn to organize their time better this way and will probably finish a lot quicker. Homework in Grade 1 should not take hours to finish.
  3. Depending on what time you get home from work, or what time you get home with your children, start to help them as soon as you can. If your child is in an aftercare facility, the staff do their best to help with a certain amount of homework. They unfortunately set time limits and understandably have a cut off time for allowing for homework. The cut off time is well within the workload limits.
  4. Sit with your child and give full attention to their work-especially in those first few weeks. They will feel secure and will be able to ask questions with mom or dad right there to help. Do not criticize their efforts or use negative comments.
  5. Praise your children for their efforts. Encourage intrinsic motivation. They shouldn’t have to do well for anyone else except themselves. The younger they learn this, the better. Always compliment and use positive affirmation. Try not to compare your children’s abilities unless it is in a positive manner. Remember to also reward them for their efforts.

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