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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from city mayor

Our objective to deliver accelerated and sustainable services has not changed and continues with much vigour and we will continue to improve our services in order to serve you best - Polokwane Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng

As the mayor, I take this opportunity to thank all the people of Polokwane for supporting us throughout the year. I take note that in our endeavor to improve our city, sometimes our operations inconvenience you. I’m grateful to the support, the respect and everything that you do to make us feel that we are indeed leading a community of people who yearn for the best and are ready to offer their support. We are on a drive to build a better city and we need you to join hands with us on this journey.
To the men in our society, let us continue to respect women and children by protecting them throughout. Please make an effort to be with and relax with your family as this is a time to rest.
Let us also extend a caring and giving hand to those among us who are needy.
Our youth are encouraged to enjoy their holiday time in a responsible manner. We urge them to stay away from alcohol and drug abuse and to abstain from sexual activities. Our best wishes go to those who sat down for the 2017 matric examinations.
As we are having fun, let’s do so noting that Polokwane is a water-scarce area and our drive to save water and using it wisely in our homes and businesses must never stop. We all need to pull together during this difficult time by voluntary rationing our water consumption.
Our law enforcement officers will be dispatched throughout the municipality to ensure your safety during this season. To all motorists who will be on the roads, please exercise patience, tolerance and avoid drinking and driving.
We pray God grants us another year so we are all able to come back in the new year to continue with the work we are doing. We pray He delivers you and your loved ones safely into 2018.
On behalf of the Council of the Polokwane Municipality, I wish you all a happy festive season and a prosperous New Year.
Polokwane Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng

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