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Thabo is on a journey to greatness

With determination to lift himself out of his current situation and achieve greatness, Thabo Mmotong set out on a journey.

POLOKWANE – The 33-year-old pharmacist manager from Morotse village in Ga-Mphahlele shared his story with BONUS about how he managed to create a better life for himself and sharing his advice so others can do the same.

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“In our African culture it is normal to have large families. This also leads to people struggling financially, ultimately leading to them facing an uphill battle if they want to put food on the table, let alone further their studies. Growing up we lived in a shack as our family didn’t earn enough to afford a house, however, we did later on receive a house from government. In the shack we shared everything from cooking space to sleeping and bathing space but this did not keep me from excelling at school. I managed to pass Gr 12 with several distinctions and was one of the top performers at Derek Kobe Secondary School which afforded me a merit scholarship to further my studies at the University of Limpopo. Here I studied a bachelor of pharmacy, also excelling in these studies, receiving 17 distinctions,” he said.

Thabo explained although things were difficult for him during his tertiary studies as he had to borrow money for food and a roof over his head on several occasions, he always told himself the struggle he was facing at that moment would not stand in his way as he was determined to succeed so that he can create a better life for himself and his family.

“I am one of six children and I want to help my family wherever possible. I have been shown the light of God with my testimony I was able to write a tell-all autobiography, My Golden Story, and a booklet with quotes, short stories and scientific and spiritual facts, My Golden Booklet, within the space of a year.

“I penned these works to inspire others who live in similar conditions through my journey.”

Aside from being a pharmacist manager, Thabo is also the founder of Mmotong Multimedia House through which he offers services relating to photography, graphic and web designs, audio-visual hire as well as book publishing services. He also co-founded a non-profit organisation, Mmotong Selema Education Foundation, that is aimed to educate, equip, empower and inspire learners at various levels.

“To date, we have reached out to thousands of learners through our diverse initiatives such as career guidance, sanitary towels and school uniform drive, health and life coaching talks, book drive and bursary drives.”

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