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Carry the couch’s weight for CANSA

Promoting the importance of a healthy lifestyle, the CrossFit Firebox team carried a pink couch for 1,5 km from the Pinkster Protestante Kerk to the Cansa Polokwane Care Centre.

POLOKWANE – This initiative aimed to inspire people, those living with cancer as well as the general public, to be smart active.
“Living a healthy lifestyle and keeping fit will not only help to reduce the risk of getting cancer, it will also be beneficial to fighting the disease if you are diagnosed. This couch was used at Saturday’s Carols by Candle Light,” said Christopher Combrink, Cansa Limpopo community organiser. “We could’ve simply used a bakkie to bring the couch but we thought carrying it all the way would generate more attention which would in turn help with the initiative to raise awareness.”

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