Cancer: Types and treatments

As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Review spoke to nurse Salome Malobane Masekela about the disease.

POLOKWANEMasekela has extensive experience as a nurse and councillor working with cancer patients and who explained what different treatments are used to remove cancer depending on the severity of the disease.

One of the most important things she said patients must do is to work closely with their doctor in order to receive the right guidance with regards to the type of treatment they need.

“I think it is important first and foremost for patients to know the different types, definitions and stages of cancer. For instance, there is what is called standard breast cancer treatment and clinical breast cancer trials. These two differ, where standard refers to those methods that experts agree are appropriate, accepted and widely used. These are standard procedures that have proven useful in fighting breast cancer in the past. And the clinical breast cancer trials on the other hand, refers to treatment some doctors believe have stronger potential to improve standard treatments. These are all important for the patient to be aware of,” she explained.

Prior to treatment, she added, the patient needs to have knowledge on the difference between standard treatment and clinical trials.

“There is a benign tumour stage and stages 1-4. On benign one can take a pill for certain periods of radiation. On stage 1, one can go for light chemotherapy then radiation or even lumpectomy. When on stage 2, chemotherapy, a mastectomy and radiation is applicable. A pill is also applicable, this in certain periods. Stages 3 and 4 include the same process. The higher the stage of cancer, the more the doses, the worst a patient can endure at this stage of their cancer treatment is the side effects, however, they just have to be strong and know cancer is curable,” Masekela added.

Treatment and options available include:
• Surgery.
• Chemotherapy.
• Radiation therapy.
• Hormone therapy.
• Targeted therapy.

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