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Above normal rainfall predicted for Limpopo

The South African Weather Service (SAWS) has released their seasonal climate watch report for October to February 2018.

LIMPOPO – The weather is gambling and while parts of South Africa is flooding, the bushveld is experiencing astonishing heat. This week the sun didn’t play any games resulting in temperatures almost touching the 40 degrees Celsius mark.

The South African Weather Service (SAWS) has released their seasonal climate watch report for October to February 2018.

Parts of the country experienced the drastic change in the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phase during recent weeks with devastating effects. The report predictions indicate a high likelihood for a weak La Niña to develop during the early and mid-summer months of November, December and early 2018.

According to this report the regional rain forecasts, indicates that the summer rainfall for Limpopo over October, November will receive 33% above normal rainfall. Parts of South and South-West Limpopo may receive below-normal rainfall.

The public can prepare them for a possible wet holiday season over December, January and February.

It is predicted that North East Limpopo will receive 80% above normal rainfall, Central Limpopo 60-70% above normal rainfall and South, South-West only 50% above normal rainfall.

Temperatures mimic the rainfall outlook, with warmer temperatures expected across the country during late spring. Limpopo will experience a very hot humid summer with 60% of temperatures above normal from November to January and February.

SAWS will continue its dissemination of any future assessments that may provide more clarity on the current expectations for the coming seasons.

SAWS currently maintain two separate seasonal forecasting systems. One dynamical global Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) using the ECHAM4.5 Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM), as well as a statistical forecasting system which is based on a Model Output Statistics (MOS) approach and is down scaled to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) area of interest.



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