BREAKING NEWS – Westenburg meeting over metre reader installations ends in chaos

A community meeting over the installation of smart metre readings in Westenburg reportedly erupted in chaos last night (Thursday) when emotions ran high over apparent inadequate consultation about a multi-million Rand project. This morning the Community Liaison Officer (CLO) for the project, Eugene Lyle said the community was very dissatisfied because of lack of consultation …

A community meeting over the installation of smart metre readings in Westenburg reportedly erupted in chaos last night (Thursday) when emotions ran high over apparent inadequate consultation about a multi-million Rand project.
This morning the Community Liaison Officer (CLO) for the project, Eugene Lyle said the community was very dissatisfied because of lack of consultation over the installation of metres for water and electricity that would affect them financially in future.
The meeting, held at the Westenburg community hall which was packed to capacity, had to be dissolved as chairs were thrown around and the lights were turned off, it was learnt. According to information Hafiz Shaikh, member of the Mayoral Committee and chairperson of the project steering committee, as well as officials from Polokwane Municipality were present at the meeting.
Lyle, who was engaged in arranging a meeting with the project steering committee to meet with stakeholders and the community, stressed that they needed to go back to the drawing board.
Another community meeting is being planned for tonight.
Full report in next week’s edition.

Story and photo: YOLANDE NEL


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