Passion prompts student teacher to develop young minds

Portia Ndou is a student teacher at Flora Park Comprehensive High School and shared her insights about the challenges of being in this position.

POLOKWANE – “Growing up I have always wanted to be a teacher because I have a passion for helping young minds develop. After school I studied a B. Tech qualification in internal auditing where I majored in subjects such as financial accounting, internal auditing and taxation. Currently I am studying towards my post-graduate certificate in education through the University of Venda.”

The 32 year old from Seshego says learning has no time constraints or age restriction and encourages people to opt for the teaching profession as she says life depends on it. “All doctors, politicians and policemen were taught by a teacher at some stage so teachers play an integral part in society to groom and develop the leaders of tomorrow,” she explained.

Among the challenges teachers face, she added, are a shortage of textbooks. She works around these challenges by making copies of the learning material for the learners, even if it is not ideal, so they can keep up with the syllabus instead of falling behind because they lack the necessary textbooks.

“I am a student teacher in accounting  and Computer Application Technology (CAT). Being a teacher requires a lot of patience and the ability to understand and empathise with learners, taking their different backgrounds into consideration with your approach. As they come from different backgrounds they understand and learn the subjects the same way, for example. I chose teaching accounting because I love the subject and want to impart my knowledge, expertise and passion onto learners. A teacher makes a big difference in the way learners view a subject and I hope my passion will inspire some of my learners to choose the same career path I did to continue the culture of developing and grooming the leaders of tomorrow.”

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