BREAKING NEWS – A total shutdown of services in Vuwani

Learners in Vuwani are not attending school today (Monday) since residents embarked on a total shutdown of services in the area following an announcement by the Pro-Makhado Demarcation Task Team on Friday. Acting Spokesperson for the task team, Alex Ramashau explained the main reason for the shutdown to be that the Provincial Government had failed …

Learners in Vuwani are not attending school today (Monday) since residents embarked on a total shutdown of services in the area following an announcement by the Pro-Makhado Demarcation Task Team on Friday.
Acting Spokesperson for the task team, Alex Ramashau explained the main reason for the shutdown to be that the Provincial Government had failed to adhere to the mandate given to them by President Jacob Zuma on 7 May.
He said Zuma mandated both the Provincial and National governments to assist Vhembe District Municipality in discharging its new mandate of providing services to the affected areas of Vuwani, where this decision allegedly fell on the deaf ears of Cooporative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs MEC Makoma Makhurupetje.
“It is open for the public to see that Makhurupetje is against the decision which was pronounced by Zuma and endorsed by the Provincial Executive Council. Ever since the pronouncement by the highest office, the Pro-Makhado Demarcation Task Team has had endless engagements with the Provincial Government but nothing has happened until to date,” Ramashau explained.
Department of Education Spokesperson, Naledzani Rasila indicated that the shutdown will have a negative impact on Grade 12 trial examinations. Rasila further said they can only map the way forward when the situation in the area is calm and learners are back in schools.
The Provincial Government is also concerned about learners missing valuable study time and pleaded with parents and resident in Vuwani to allow teaching and learning to continue.
Provincial Government Spokesperson Phuti Seloba said government was doing everything possible to ensure that services are rendered to the people on Vuwani. He further said residents should learn to do things according to the law rather than engaging in action protests and depriving learners of their rights.
The Pro-Makhado Demarcation Task Team said in a statement that was released on Friday that they have raised on numerous occasions that the factional battles of leadership within the ruling party should not hinder the implementation process of services in the affected areas of Vuwani. The statement further reads “Due to the lack of political will to resolve the dire situation in Vuwani, the task team started the process of engaging communities to seek new mandate and way forward as our people continue to suffer at the hands of government which the people of Vuwani elected on the 2014 National General Elections.”
It was learned that the task team will only engage on bilateral meetings with government without Lim345 representatives and it was further reported that it should be noted that Lim345 will never be recognised by the people of Vuwani.
The Provincial Police Corporate Communications Head, Motlafela Mojapelo told Polokwane Observer that the situation in the area was calm and police were deployed to patrol the area and ensure that there is peace. He further said they are trying to avoid what happened previously when schools and shops were burnt during gruesome protests in the area of Vuwani.



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