Dept of Traditional Affairs congratulates all stakeholders on a death free initiation season

The 2017 winter initiation season finally came to an end on Saturday 22 July as many initiates in the province went to their respective homes after undergoing the passage to adulthood.

LIMPOPO – All parents of the 15 633 males and 4 367 females, totalling to 20 000, who were in 269 legal initiation schools are celebrating the success of this sacred tradition.

In a press release by the Department of Traditional Affairs, they congratulated all parents who took their children to this traditional practice and commend them for especially heeding to our call of not taking their children to illegal initiation schools.

“Initiates embark on this sacred path towards adulthood with the hope of coming back into their communities transformed into matured men and women.

“In pursuit of this noble ideal, the department started the process of preparing for the 2017 initiation school period in November 2016 in consultation with the Provincial Task Team on initiation schools.

“An action plan for 2017 initiation school period was developed and in December 2016 a circular was issued to all Districts Offices to inform all Senior Traditional Leaders about the closing date for 2017 initiation school applications in their area of jurisdiction, which was set to be February 2017.

“The 2017 initiation school programme was scheduled to commence from 24 June and end on 21 July 2017. The province managed to receive 294 applications and 269 met the necessary requirements. The Provincial Task Team on initiation schools recommended all qualifying applications for approval.

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“Permits for Vhembe, Mopani, Waterberg, Sekhukhune and Capricorn District were distributed. Regret letters were signed by the Head of Department and sent to districts for distribution to the schools that were disapproved.

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The breakdown for the approved schools per district were as follows:

“When permits to host these Initiation Schools were handed over, the Provincial House of Traditional Leaders conducted a workshop for all Senior Traditional Leaders and Traditional Surgeons.

“Central and of cardinal importance in conducting this workshop was to brief and prepare the initiation schools permit holders on precautionary measures to be followed in order to have a smooth process during the initiation period.

“The approved schools were published and circulated in all Traditional Council Offices of our Senior Traditional Leaders in the province.”

The department ran a promo on radio stations to warn parents about the dangers of taking their children to illegal schools and also for purposes of letting them know which of the schools were approved.

“For all their hard work, we want to commend the House of Traditional Leaders, the Provincial Task Team who are – Hosi Shitlangoma Chauke, the chairperson of the Task team, Kgoshi Sekororo – deputy chairperson, and other members – Kgoshi Kibi, Kgoshigadi Ratlhagani and Kgoshi Manendzhe. Other stakeholders such as SAPS and the Department of Health also played a major role on Initiation schools.

“We say – a job well done to all of you. The success of 2017 Initiation school season is yet another indication that our governance mechanisms and monitoring systems are effective in real practice.

To prevent the loss of lives, we urge parents in the coming years, to send their children to the initiation schools that are approved.”

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