Tips on how to secure your home before you leave on your holiday

With many households hitting the road this holiday, the police have encouraged residents to be vigilant and take safety precautions to safeguard their homes.

POLOKWANE – Polokwane Police Spokesperson W/O Lesiba Ramoshaba suggests that residents who are going on holiday ask a friend to check on their home while they’re away.

He also encourages taking note of the safety tips on the national police website.

These include:


A high fence around the house with lockable gates is much safer than a high wall due to the advantage of the improved visibility it provides.

The primary aim of the fence is to make access/intrusion difficult and to allow dogs to move freely around the house.

Ensure that your gates are locked at all times and that the keys cannot be reached easily and are not lying around.

Security gates with sturdy locks in front of each outer door as well as burglar proofing covering all windows, are recommended.

Burglar bars on doors and windows make it difficult for intruders to gain entrance to a home. Photo:

Prevention of access:

• Window bars

• Security doors

• Security gates

• Razor wire

• Additional locking devices on doors

• Strengthening of doors

Youtube video via 93cressida

• Safety chains to doors

An alarm system, preferably connected to an armed response company, can act as an effective deterrent. When on holiday, it is important that the security company be given access to the property in the form of a key or remote left for them or a neighbour.

In the rural environment, a siren/alarm on the roof that can be heard over a long distance and that can be activated by means of a switch/panic button in the house, is recommended.

An alarm must also have the capability to warn the occupants of any intrusion in the house.

Security lights outside the house improve the physical protection of a house, farm or smallholding.

The lights must be directed away from the house and must allow the occupants to use the windows without being observed from outside.

Other safety precautions:

• Ensure doors are locked at all times, and that windows are closed when you are not at home.

• Large dogs serve as a deterrent. At least one dog should be trained to sleep inside the house.

• If you leave your residence, inform your family/ neighbours of your intended destination, time you expect to return and the route you will be driving, especially if you reside in a rural area.

If you’re going to be away for a while, ask a neighbour to collect your mail. A mailbox spilling over lets intruders know you’re not home. Photo: 4.bp.blogspot

• Ensure that tools such as axes, spades, picks, ladders, etc that can be used in an attack, are locked away.

• Contact your neighbour to assist you in securing your home.

• Involve employees such as gardeners etc of security measures as they are part of the family/team.

Here is a video on how something as simple as a fork can to help strengthen a lock on a door for the holidays.

Youtube video vi Phil Crockett

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