13 Boredom busters for the school holiday

There are tons of activities you can do to keep the kids busy without spending a lot of money or travelling further than your backyard

POLOKWANE – The winter school holiday is here and parents are once again tasked with keeping kids occupied during this time. While it’s a great time for mom and dad to spend time with the kids, it’s important to remember that parents also need enough down time to be able to relax and recharge after a long day at work.

There are tons of activities you can do to either get everyone involved and entertained or keeping the kids busy without spending a lot of money or travelling further than your backyard. You can make magical moments using everyday household items.

Here’s a list of fun things to try:
Indoor activities:

Photo: Pixabay

Youtube video via Irina David

Father and Son Dancing Together — Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Outdoor activities:

Photo: care.com
Photo: pinimg

When it comes to keeping kids engaged, you need to get creative and come up with out of the box ideas. If it’s fun and they get to learn something, it’s a good activity.


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