Train your brain to think creatively

Creativity was always thought to be an inherent skill, but according to Robbert Allen, a motivational speaker and director of a self help company outside Polokwane, you can learn to be creative.

POLOKWANE – Allen says creativity is vital for any establishment and motivating employees’ to think outside of the box is quite important.

He suggests playing games to awaken creativity, one of them being “What can it be?”.

“The name of the game could also be called ‘what is it’ but a simple word such as ‘is’ in the name of the game can limit the thinking of the players,” Allen explains.

Here’s how it works:

The players are given a slip of paper with several blocks with different shapes depicted in each block.

For example, the first will have a series of circles, and the second could have lines drawn diagonally across the block. The players are then tasked with writing down all the possibilities the shapes in each box could represent. The circles could look like the wheels on a bus to one person and to another, it appears to be an owl wearing glasses etc. This is a fun and inventive game that anyone can participate in.

Set a time limit and then check to see who can come up with the most ideas.

• A score between 16 to 40 is average.

• A score between 41 and 60 is good.

• A score of 61 or higher is brilliant.

The game can be played a second time but at a later stage and using the same pictures. This time check to see who can come up with even more ideas.

• A score of 9 to 12 is weak.

• A score of 15 to 24 is average.

• A score of 25 to 36 is good.

• A score of 37 or more is brilliant.

“The game can be repeated as often as possible to see the developing minds of the players,” Allen says.

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