Good guy, great dad!

Find out what Father's Day means to this man of God.

POLOKWANE – BONUS got the chance to chat to husband and father of two, gospel sensation Ngola Lekgothoane, to find out what this special day means to him.

“My family and I have celebrated Father’s Day for 12 years and I am spoiled with gifts and love from my two children and my wife. My lovely wife always surprises me with something special every Father’s Day and despite doing my best to guess what she will do every year, I never get it right. I have even tried to coax the information out of our kids with sweet treats, but they are just as mum on the surprise every year,” he jokes.

Being a good father, the 41-year-old explains, does not need to cost a lot of money and when you spend enough time with your family it is often more precious than material things.

“It is important as a father to show emotions and feelings towards your children so they can be comfortable enough to be as open with you as they are with their mother. I have learned a lot since the birth of my first child about being a good father as my wife works full time and I had to step up and be hands-on to help her with chores in and around the house and with the children. Being a father is not only about contributing money, but also about showing love and affection to the children and the benefits of having that strong unbreakable bond with your children is beyond amazing,” he explains.

His daughter, Keabetswe, says she normally makes a special card for her dad at school but this year she wants to get him a special gift as well.

“I love my dad so much and I appreciate everything he does for me and our family,” she smiled.

The message Ngola leaves us with is that communication with your children is crucial to forming a strong and lasting bond with them.

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