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Spike in reports of drugged drinks

Residents who frequent clubs and other hangout spots are being warned to be vigilant as reports of spiked drinks have been received in recent weeks.

POLOKWANE – Two residents who claim their drinks were spiked contacted Review this week and told of their experience. The first, Rufus Phala, says he was with his brother and a few friends when he fell victim to this crime on the night of his stag party.

“We were having a good time. We played pool and went outside for smoke breaks throughout the night. Around the time I had my third drink, I started to feel funny and couldn’t focus anymore,” he recalls.

The last thing he remembers is that he stepped outside to get some fresh air, the next thing he knew, he was waking up in the hospital.

He later learned his brother rushed him to the provincial hospital after finding him unconscious in the parking lot.

“The hospital staff told me its highly likely my drink was spiked. They also said I was not the first person to be brought to he hospital under similar circumstances,” Phala says.

Another victim, Duncan van Dyk says this is the second time his drink has been tampered with.

“The first time it happened, I made a joke of it and said if a girl wants my attention, she should just ask; not spike my drink. Bu after the second time, it wasn’t funny anymore,” he says.

He says on the second occasion, he came to in the parking area of a club in the city and his wallet, cash and cellphone were gone.

“The cash in my wallet was borrowed and I needed to pay it back. My ID was also in my wallet and that needs to be replaced now and that takes so much effort.”

A club manager, who asked to remain anonymous, told Review it is virtually impossible to keep an eye on people at the club.

“Once we start to get busy, we remind patrons to stick to the rules of the club. We can’t do any more than that, from that point on patrons are responsible for their own safety,” he says.

Specialist Inspector Mike Bolhuis told Review he has investigated numerous incidents, elsewhere and in Polokwane, wherein victims have been robbed and some sexually assaulted after their drinks were spiked.

Bolhuis says there are various reasons why perpetrators do this: to play a joke on someone, to rob someone, and to assault someone once they are no longer conscious.

He encourages victims to report cases as it will make others more vigilant and fewer people will fall victim to the same trap.

Polokwane Police Spokesperson, AO Lesiba Ramoshaba, says there have been similar cases reported in the paast. He asks that residents enjoy themselves responsibly and to report such cases immediately.

“The police can’t follow up on these claims if they are not reported. People need to refrain from adding substances to drinks as there are dangers involved in this practice,” he added.

Phala has opened a case at the police station, Van Dyk says he plans to report the incident soon.



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