Limpopo man left unconscious after assault at construction site

Vusi Ntuli sustained several injuries at the hands of a group of men at a road construction site outside Grobblersdal

LIMPOPO – Elias Motsoaledi Land Civil and Business Chamber (EMLCBC) Chairperson, Vusi Ntuli sustained injuries to his head and body during the assault from an assortment of weapons while at the road construction site in Legolaneng village almost two weeks ago.

Some of the injuries Vusi Ntuli (EMLCBC, Chairperson) sustained when he was assaulted by a group of men while visiting a construction site in Legolaneng village.

He said the men accused him of being part of a plot to halt the construction project of the road linking Legolaneng, Mabitsi, and Vaalbank villages.

“Executive members of the chamber held a meeting in the village recently to hear people’s concerns about the hiring process of local contractors into the project as local contractors there complain about being sidelined. This is why the members were there to meet them and offer a solution to their concerns. I wasn’t part of the meeting because I was in Johannesburg at the time,” explained Ntuli.

Ntuli said when he stopped in the area to meet one of their executive members he was accosted and severely assaulted.

“I lost consciousness during the assault. I was admitted to the Groblersdal Hospital and opened a case with the police.”

EMLCBC said it viewed the attack on Ntuli as continued intimidation by a group hell-bent to silence the chamber from being a part of discussions on the project. The chamber said it condemned any form of violence used as a means to find solutions to the challenges.

Hlogotlou Police Spokesperson, WO Hlaudi Mankge, confirmed a case of assault with an intention to do grievous bodily harm was opened. Mankge said a suspect was arrested and expected to appear before the Nebo Magistrate’s Court on 1 June. Police investigations continue.

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