Scholar transport suffers due to backlog

Several buses used for scholar transport were recently impounded due to lack of permits.

POLOKWANE – Chief Director of Transport Regulation at the Department of Transport, Elmien Koedyk, said the department is aware of the backlog regarding scholar transport permits but wished to emphasise it takes 90 days for the application to be processed and finalised.

“The process is done through the Limpopo Provincial Regulatory Entity which ensures all compliance requirements are met and only then make a decision on the application. Not everybody applying for a permit is issued with one,” she explained.

She said the applications are granted based on supply and demand in specific areas. “People first buy a taxi or bus and then want to apply for a permit while there may be sufficient operators of scholar transport services in an area. The entity has the right to refuse the allocation of a permit,” Koedyk said. “Anybody having an issue with their application is welcome to approach the department’s Chief Directorate of Transport regulation for assistance.”

This follows the recent impounding of buses used for scholar transport due to a lack of permits, one contractor said it was because the department failed to do their job.

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The contractor said he needs permits for scholar transportation but has been waiting for months for these permits. He added he has also not received his tourism operating permit either.

“One day when you enquire you are told there is no paper on which to print a permit, the next time the person responsible for signing the permits is not available. There are always excuses and it is a big hassle,” he said.

He said people driving without the permits get fines or their buses are impounded and they must pay large fines before the vehicles are released. All this, he added, was because officials at the Department of Transport are not doing their jobs.

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Koedyk concluded by saying as far as tourism operating permits are concerned, they are processed by the National Regulatory Authority and not by the provincial department.

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