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Marken to Mokopane powerline will greatly increase capacity

The powerline from Marken to Mokopane will not encounter any further delays.

MOKOPANE – This was the message from acting Mayor, Malesela Mokwele, at a meeting held on Tuesday at the Van van Rensburg Hall with Mogalakwena officials and Eskom Borutho stakeholders.

The Medupi Borutho 400kV Line, Section B is the construction of a 90 km 400kV transmission power line. Once this project is completed, it will play an integral role to increase the voltage capacity in our municipality and some parts of Limpopo.

“That’s the main reason the government of today, led by the African National Congress (ANC), is constructing this 90 km project. This project will create over 200 job opportunities and it will be completed sometime in December next year.”

There have been many challenges and delays in the progress of the power line. According to Mokwele, the councillors have been somewhat reluctant to play their oversight role and monitor systems in the municipalities, because they have not been exposed to this important information, and it is Mokwele’s view this is the reason there have been interruptions on the Borutho 400kV power line project.

Disrupting this project will affect our lives, delay job creation, and we will encounter load shedding.

“I am confident that we will go back to our areas of operation and implement what we have acquired here today,” he said.

The meeting was meant to be led by Makoma Makhurupetja, (MEC of CoGHSTA), who did not show up.


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