
Trendnet to the rescue

A solution to the low quality Wi-Fi signal in public spaces has been discovered by two young minds

POLOKWANE – Two Grade 6 Mitchell House learners have come to the aid of frustrated Wi-Fi users everywhere.

Alexsis Govenden and Lebone Mapatha invented a Wi-Fi problem solver science project, which they named WiFi Trendnet.

“This project will help most people connect with Wi-Fi to the internet quicker and not struggle to connect to Wi-Fi connection in problem areas. Basically what the gadget does is, it bounces the Wi-Fi network back into the room you are sitting in, Wi-Fi struggles to connect through walls, but we found that foil helps the Wi-Fi bounce back into the room,” Lebone said.

Lebone Mapatha and Alexsis Govenden’s creative science WiFi project.

“This project didn’t cost a cent. We used a box (even a cereal box will work), sellotape or super glue, foil and a stick to hold everything together,” Alexsis explained.

They further explain that when they tested the device, they sat in a room and placed the Trendnet facing their direction, this way the internet connection picks up faster and builds up a quicker connection than when your not using one.

“We also get frustrated when the Wi-Fi connection takes time to connect, and that is why we came up with this idea, which we think most people will love, we will maybe put it in stores one day when we create a more advance one, you never know,” Alexisis added.

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