Working on Fire halts training to deal with contracts

Working on Fire (WoF) has with immediate effect stopped its yellow card training camp due to the finalisation of employment contracts of some of their firefighters. The camp which commenced two weeks ago was part of its preparations for the winter fire season commencing on 1 June. WoF Provincial Spokesperson Matema Gwangwa on Tuesday told …

Working on Fire (WoF) has with immediate effect stopped its yellow card training camp due to the finalisation of employment contracts of some of their firefighters.
The camp which commenced two weeks ago was part of its preparations for the winter fire season commencing on 1 June.
WoF Provincial Spokesperson Matema Gwangwa on Tuesday told Polokwane Observer they had to put the training on hold due technicalities within the programme. “We are still finalising the contracts of some of our firefighters. Some contracts came to an end in March so we are still busy with the process and once we are done the training camp will resume in due course,” she said.
Gwangwa also remarked that though the camp was put on halt, their firefighters continued to work very hard with the stakeholders implementing integrated fire management systems in order to reduce the fire risks for the upcoming winter fire season.
“We urge landowners in particular to get into contact with us on 015 390 1531 so that we can assist with the development of integrated fire management services which includes amongst others, prescribed burning, fuel load reduction, community fire awareness, early detection and fire suppression plans.”
Gwangwa informed that they are set to launch their Community Fire Awareness Campaigns throughout the province in the second week of May. “We plan to start in the Northam area in the Waterberg district on 10 May and conclude at Vuwani in the Vhembe district on 8 June. These campaigns aim to teach communities on how to be fire safe, prevent unwanted veld and forest fires, raise awareness of veld and forest fires and empower those at risk to take responsibility to reduce the risk and impact of fires in their communities. We urge communities to be more vigilant during this fire season and not to start unnecessary fires particularly during dry days this winter.
People are also asked to remove unnecessary rubble on their properties which can pose a serious fire risk and houses next to grasslands need to ensure that there are sufficient fire breaks between their properties and these grasslands”.
“We also ask people to cut down overhanging tree branches close to their properties and also to clean their gutters as the leaves that end up in these gutters can also pose a fire risk. People must also ensure that they have the contact details of their local fire authorities at hand should there be a fire emergency,” concluded Ngwangwa.

Story: Herbert Rachuene

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