Businesswomen’s Association hosts AGM

The Limpopo branch of the Businesswomen’s Association of South Africa (Bwasa) hosted its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the city last Thursday. Re-elected Chairperson Mmabogoshi Msiza reflected on the activities of the past year and congratulated the members of the Executive Committee on their election. Tanya Coetzer is the Deputy Chairperson and Martie Mphe­lo is …

The Limpopo branch of the Businesswomen’s Association of South Africa (Bwasa) hosted its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the city last Thursday.
Re-elected Chairperson Mmabogoshi Msiza reflected on the activities of the past year and congratulated the members of the Executive Committee on their election. Tanya Coetzer is the Deputy Chairperson and Martie Mphe­lo is the Treasurer. Executive Committee members are Thengiwe Thoka, Nthipi Modiba, Tumi Modise, Innocent Mpe, Grace Sibara, Frida Maphalla, Tsakani Mabunda, Khensani Mushwana, Rose Mageza and Vhulani Malumbete.
The membership of Bwasa Limpopo has grown to 110 over the year and Msiza reported that the branch has succeeded in its aim to create a platform for the inspiration and empowerment of women by promoting opportunities to support, connect and grow women in business.
Highlights of the year’s activities included the Regional Business Achiever Awards (RBAA) that will again take place on 3 August and aims to showcase the activities of women whose accomplishments embody the values and vision of Bwasa.
The branch also conducted sessions to develop skills that included the creation of a business plan, registering a business at the relevant authorities, tax and BEE implications, compliance with labour legislation, finance for non-financial staff and records keeping. Businesswomen were also briefed on the understanding of contracts, report writing and presentation, on line marketing and brand building.
Bwasa Limpopo also realised that mentorship of emerging businesswomen creates an opportunity for new entrants to the world of business to be assisted by the more experienced.
Doing so, valuable information and best practices were transferred to the advantage of all. Msiza also alluded to the Circle of Champions (COC) of past Bwasa presidents and chairpersons, friends of Bwasa and RBAA winners that that are available to give members the opportunity to associate with women of distinction and tap into their multi-perspective insight on topical issues.
“There are great initiatives ahead of us. May we all be optimistic given the challenging and interesting times politically and economically. May we grow in wisdom to look at live positively, do the things that we are passionate about, continue to empower others and succeed in business,” was Msiza’s concluding message.
Representatives from Old Mutual Limpopo also made a presentation regarding funding opportunities and grants that are available to businesswomen.

Story and photos: BARRY VILJOEN

Bwasa Limpopo Deputy Chairperson Tanya Coetzer, Old Mutual Broker Consultant Berel Mamabolo, Bwasa Limpopo Chairperson Mmabogoshi Msiza, Old Mutual Business Development Officer Nthabiseng Mtakabani, Old Mutual Provincial Manager Klaas Mabetlela and Bwasa Limpopo Treasurer Martie Mphelo at the AGM.
Mmabogoshi Msiza, Chairperson of the Limpopo branch of Bwasa and Innocent Mpe, Executive Committee member.
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