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Business affected by road works

Ongoing road construction in parts of the city have residents and business owners up in arms as they claim that the process affects their businesses and apparently causes health issues ranging from flu-like symptoms to sore throats. It is alleged that complaints were submitted to the Polokwane Municipality but no response was received. The refurbishment …

Ongoing road construction in parts of the city have residents and business owners up in arms as they claim that the process affects their businesses and apparently causes health issues ranging from flu-like symptoms to sore throats. It is alleged that complaints were submitted to the Polokwane Municipality but no response was received.
The refurbishment of roads in Rissik Street started about three months ago and shop owners allege that there hasn’t been much progress since. One owner claimed that the water used by the contractor contained some sort of chemical that caused various health issues.
The complainant who wished not to have his name published also said “The road surface in Rissik Street was of the best in the city and I was surprised when the contractor started digging it up. People’s lives are in danger because of the traffic in chaos caused by this process.”
He suggested that the contractor should have dealt with one street at a time rather than leaving things lying around disturbing citizens’ daily activities such as shopping and going to their work places without worrying about traffic.
Another shop owner indicated that traffic officials should be deployed at various points along the construction route to help control the traffic.
He also emphasised that clearly visible warning signs should be placed at every intersection where roadworks were going on.
He further said shop owners had received a letter from the municipality stating that the construction process will end in March but failed to do so. He pointed out that there was no longer enough parking space for his customers and that business had been slowing ever since the beginning of the road works.
“We contribute to the economy of the province and the country as a whole but the municipality doesn’t seem to care. The municipality should speed up the process for businesses in the city to make profit,” he commented. He also claimed that a child had nearly fallen into one of the holes dug by the contractor in Rissik Street.
At the time of going to print Polokwane Municipality had not responded to enquiries made by this publication.

Story & photos: ENDY SENYATSI

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